About Us

DirectorTraining.ORG is related to DirectorMarketplace.ORG which is a community of Directors who desire to find more board opportunities to help companies and their management team reach their goals. We also desire to continue our education on privately held board issues and place directors on private company boards. Our members are experienced board candidates with references and connections. Our training process is to mitigate liabilities that are an integral part of being a company board member.

ESOPTraining.com was founded by Jack Veale, a Certified Management Consultant with more than 25 years of experience in forming or advising hundreds of boards and CEOs of privately held, family owned and ESOP companies. In 1989, he started PTCFO, Inc., short for “Part Time CFO,” which has evolved to "Professionalizing The Corporate and Family Organization” when he focused on assisting CEOs, Families and their boards to streamline their governance and succession planning.

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Over the years, Jack helped develop and train boards with director training and board assessments. Existing popular governance-related associations and websites did not provide the types of online training private companies and ESOPs needed. So, Jack formed DirectorTraining.ORG to help Private companies and their boards train their internal fiduciaries, directors, and trustees at a reasonable price. Jack gathered some of the best governance minds in the community to help develop the courses and content. You can find them in our “Our Faculty” section.

ESOPTraining.com is a part of a family of websites including www.DirectorsMarketplace.ORG, www.DirectorTraining.ORG, www.ESOPMarketplace.com, www.ESOPB2B.com, and www.TrusteeMarketplace.ORG.

Our courses are designed for private company executives, business owners and new benefit plan Fiduciaries

Our site is designed for company executives who are currently on their company board, or are fiduciaries/Internal Trustees of their qualified benefit Plan. With the cost of travel to conferences rising, and the continued concerns for DOL Audits, our online training process is budget and training-time friendly solution to mitigate personal liability as a company or benefit plan fiduciary.

The Benefit of Choosing us

As experienced governance Advisors, we understand the concerns many Private companies face when appointing internal employees to a fiduciary role in the company. The personal liability issues along with understanding the best practices of being a company director or benefit plan fiduciary can be daunting. The DOL has expectations for benefit plan fiduciaries to follow governance best practices and avoid the typical mistakes untrained fiduciaries make.

Our online program is designed to educate internal fiduciaries on the basics on the role of being a fiduciary, understanding the financial and legal terms, explain how boards and fiduciary committees work, and what are the best practices for being a private company fiduciary, internal director or internal trustee.

Since our educational system is online, people can take their course work and tests at the convenience of home, office, airport or where ever there is a wifi link to the internet. Our Certificate covers different levels of training and can be a method to mitigate insurance liability exposure that causes increased premiums or cancelled policies.

Sending people to conferences or paid programs can be very expensive and time consuming for busy people and executives. Our pricing can save thousands of dollars in training for internal fiduciaries.